Thursday, December 13, 2007

BUTT UGLY - Pre-orders accepted now!

Decades in the making... ZUZU PETALS PUBLISHING is proud to announce the pre-release of our first children's book, BUTT UGLY, a 32 page, full color, hardcover masterpiece. What is a pre-release, you ask? Well, it just means the book is not ready yet, but we are so excited about it that we wanted to give you an opportunity to part with your hard earned cash ($19.95) and secure a first-in-line-place to get your copy the moment it is released - August, 2008.

BUTT UGLY is printed in the US on 100% recycled, post consumer waste paper, using only vegetable based inks and a printer that runs on wind power! And that qualifies BUTT UGLY for the coveted CHILD SAFE/EARTH FRIENDLY seal of approval. (It is our own award, but we have extremely high standards.) Our mission at ZUZU PETALS is to make every book we publish so green you could eat it. And then you'd have to buy another copy to read to your children at night, thus increasing our sales.

We know you'll love BUTT UGLY, the greenish mutt hoping for a home... So click that little blue button at the bottom. You know you want it... Go on, BUTT UGLY needs a home, your home.

What is Google Checkout?

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